Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.
I can not verify whether these names have been taken yet or not. If your band happens to already use one of these names sorry. If you want to use a name you see here, you'll need to verify it's not already in use.
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Name | Origin | Submitted by: | ||
M!sdemeanor's M!ssion | I always had the nickname Misdemeanor for some unknown reason. I later formed a band. I thought this name had something to it. (By the way writing i's upside down is trademark of M!KEY and copyright!) | M!KEY | ||
The M'n'ms | I just think it sounds cool. (not jank) | Madada | ||
M-11 | It's the number of the nearest motorway (Freeway) to My current location & I could just inagine all the corny cover versions of songs such as "Autobahn", "2-4-6-8 Motorway" etc | Grimley Fieendish | ||
M.C. Eye | This would make a very clever name for a rapper...he could make an album entitled "Friendz & Family" | Martin | ||
M.H.A. | Whatever it stands for, I dunno. | The Mole | ||
M.I.5 | It's the name of the British secret service and the organisation James Bond, the coolest man on the planet, was a member of. | Lynch | ||
M.I.A. | Missing In Action Its a sweet f'n name | Krebzie21 | ||
The M.J.H Man | Matt | |||
Ma-723 | My friend and I were just getting our band started; and we needed to think of a name so we could make our posters and CD covers (heavy metal). So my birthday is May 23(M), and my friend's is April 7(A)MA-723. | Timmy Gansereit | ||
MAAAAAAATE | australian slang that is used a lot, ussually when something is cool - it would be a good for a very ocker australian metal band | Haynes | ||
Macabre Melody | Saw it in a newspaper. | simon | ||
Macaco Burro | In portugese macaco means jack and burro means a**. I was randomly looking words up on this language translation site and I thought that sounded cool, and would make a pretty cool band name. | Shiloh | ||
Macaroni and Peace | I love macaroni and cheese | Lefty Lucy | ||
The Mace | I think my world history teacher was talking about it. She was talking about pepper spray, and I was thinking about the weapon with the spikes on the end. [Ed.'s note: Both are correct.] | RyDawg | ||
Machiavellan Bomb Opera | This is my band's name, or would have been if I had a band. I came up with it in 6th grade. That was a long time ago. I was reading the dictionary. | anita bransom | ||
Machine Gun Hedgehogs | In Britain, it's illegal to kill a hedgehog with a machine gun. | G | ||
Machine Rising | I was thinking about how much electronics were taking over our world. I thought it would be a good band name. | your mom | ||
The Macho Chicks With Zer0 Sex Appeal | I came up with this from "Ranma 1/2" Akane is the "Macho Chick With Zer0 Sex Appeal". | sarah | ||
The Macho Snails | Cool name for a group of guys who walked slow and are really tough... | Dead Presidents Corpse | ||
Machoon! | Machoon! is very catchy and it sound like machine and typhoon, which is not possible. | Drummer | ||
Machoon! | Machoon! is very catchy and it sound like machine and typhoon, which is not possible. Secret language of mimitmir. | Drummer Luke | ||
A Mackeral Sky | MY band play quite dreamy music and i thought that imagery of clouds would be really appropriate - a mackeral sky is a cloud pattern that forecasts change, and is very beautiful. | Barney Roberts | ||
Mackleless | No disrespect to Macklemore, but I just thought of this while listening to "Thrift Shop" | JeReMy | ||
Macoroni Party | We have several Macoron packs at my house. So my mom said, "We should have a Macoroni Party." | Hawk | ||
Macy's Pink Guitar | Because its sharp,funny and a great name for a punk rock band. I came up with it after mixing 3 things to do with Blink182 and Greenday: 1) Macy - Macy's Day Parade 2) Pink - Mark Hoppus' Faveourite colour 3) Guitar - all bands need guitars | Jayson | ||
The Mad Alecks | This is a good name for a crazy pop punk band. It's kind of like smart aleck, but with mad it just means acting crazily. | jimmy case | ||
Mad Cow Daisys | It sound kinda like 'mad cow disease'. | Buck Williams | ||
Mad Hats | The whole twisted world of 'Alice in Wonderland' is a breeding ground for infinite possibilities, because it is in the imaginative mind of a child. | Duo Maxwell | ||
The Mad Hatters | Taken (obviously) from the character in Alice In Wonderland. I was just thinking about the story and thought hey that's a great name for a rock band. Someone should really name their band that. | Edward | ||
Mad Karma | sounds yummeh. | Yv | ||
Madame Hawken | I came up with this when I was in French class. My teacher's name is Madame Hawken. | Stephanie | ||
Madd Paddy | Drunk Irish men not taking $hit from nobody | Darell M | ||
Madden with Guns | My brother called the Call of Duty franchise this, referring to the fact that both Madden NFL and Call of Duty seem to be the same game every year. | JeReMy | ||
Made In China | thinking of how china is taking over the world, thought this was cool | J-L | ||
Made In The UK | I really like this name, I've become really connected to it. Our band members actually all come from Dublin, Ireland. However, we started playing at a pub in England. So we sorta were made in the UK. | Drunken Pixie | ||
Made No Sense | A poem I wrote, made a better band name then poem | Thiis Guy | ||
Made of Honor | A cool name for a chick rock band. It*s a play on words(obviously). I wrote a song by this name once, and then I thought it sounded better as the name of a band. | Katie | ||
Madfly | A fly was flying around my head. I called it a "Madfly", and the name stuck. | Spider | ||
Madmartigan | From Val Kilmer's character in "Willow". I think it makes a cool band name. | Jacob Goodfellow | ||
Mae Eye Hell Pew | A pun on "May I help you?', with potentially bizarre connotations. | D. Melody Dole, MD | ||
MaelKon Tent | Malcontent ? is it a place to stay or a state of mind ? If anyone uses this and gets big i want some money ok ? | johnny | ||
Maelstrom | One of the definitions of "maelstrom" is "A violent or turbulent situation." Would be a cool name for a speed/death metal band. | Syntania | ||
Magazines & Orange Juice | It sounds like a type of band to me... but it just popped in my head. | Kayla | ||
Magenta Blue | It sounds cool together. They are the two dogs on Blue's Clues, and it's an oxy-moron. | Chuck | ||
Maggie And The Bullies | I was pointing out to my dad that in the 20th season of "The Simpsons," Maggie and the bullies (which are Jimbo, Nelson, Kearney, and Dolph) made more appearances. My dad then said, "That would make a good band name!" | Rachel | ||
Maggots are Faggots | Not sure how i came up with it, just did. I mean a lot of bands have weird stupid names like superbus and takipakiwaki (my friends band). So i thought of a band name that was kinda cool, but kinda weird as well. Plus, i remember one time, there was a whole bunch of maggots near my compost heap so of course, i had to get rid of them and it was gross, I also remember myself murmuring; "Jeez, maggots are such faggots..... | Caleb | ||
Magic 8-Ball | I don't know. For some reason there is an obsession with 8-balls. They're everywhere! Toy stores, pool halls, auto parts stores... Ooo, what about "Fuzzy Dice"? | Robert Winters, Jr. | ||
Magic Bullet | It's got a cool ring to it. I got it from the whole JFK conspiracy thing about the so called "magic bullet" that supposedly changed directions in midair. | Cody | ||
Magical Friendship Squad | For all you bronies out there... | IHaveNoBrain | ||
Magical God Candy | One of my ideas for our bands name I thought of it while eating those gummy apple ring candy. | Eric | ||
Magical Typing Eyeballs | I was talking to my friend on MSN one day...and noticed that her first blog entry described only her eye colour and nothing else about her appearance, so I told her that upon reading it people might think she was a pair of magical typing eyeballs. | FuNkY mOnKeY | ||
Magically Delicious | I have an obsession with this phrase... if I had any musical talent that would be the name of my band. | Elle | ||
Magicians | If you can reaaly play your music is magic. | NICKI | ||
Magmalithium | Me and Tirza came up with it. | Chazm | ||
MagnaCarta | One word with capital on the M and C. | dizzydean | ||
MagneZium | my friend and i came up with kool name when we were bored. It's a metal me had just learned about in chemistry class. | Uhhhhh | ||
Maiden Annhime | Me and my friends were trying to figure out what our band should be called. Well we grew up in Anaheim. So maiden is actually 'made in', and Anaheim is 'Annhime'. Email me if it's cool or whatever? [email protected] | Chris | ||
Maidenhead Hunters | I've been writing a lot of words and combination of words in search of a name for the band I've just got together. Madenhead is obvious and Headhunters is the play on words. This is not a name we'd use. | Wes | ||
The Main Exchange | When my dad was stationed in Fort Hood, TX in the 70s, there were two Post Exchanges, or PX's. The big store was called the "main exchange"; the other was "the annex". I guess both of these names would be cool band names. | military | ||
The Main Offenders | its a song by the hives I thought it would make a cool name for a band | Corey F | ||
The Maineiacs | Me and my pals (Kev and matt) were gonna use this name as our band name. We are from massachusetts and we call people from maine the maineiacs. We didn't wanna be called the masshole (what maine people call us) so we picked this. But my pals dont wanna be in a band anymore so im goin solo as TBuck. | buckybeaver | ||
Mainswitch | Because it sounds pretty cool and yea. [Ed.'s note: Plus it could open with Switchfoot.] | Frazer smith | ||
Majestical Testicle | It's cool because I've seen one (not two). | Adrienne | ||
The Majestics | I came up with it because my friends loved it. | doiley | ||
Majik Johnson | I heard that Pearl Jam originally considered naming themselves Mookie Blaylock (he was an NBA player). I thought about that, and the multiple meanings that can be inferred with this one just made it seem a better choice for a band name. I intentionally mis-spell it as you will probably get sued if you use it, though. | Andy | ||
Major Lol | This band name is cool because when I was growing up in Brooklyn in the late 1960s, boys my age would chill in the alleys. We would throw cans and laugh out loud! That is my inspiration for this band name. Also, LOL stands for Love Our Lives, Love Over Load, and my personal favorite, Lot of Love! | hairy man with heart! | ||
Major Package | This is a name for a band that is either REALLY hardcore, or REALLY arrogant, or both! | MO | ||
Major Tom | From the David Bowie song "Space Oddity". I think Peter Schilling sang about him too. They could cover either or both songs. | Princess Ana | ||
MAJoRA | Well, I got this name from a Zelda game. It's the name of the ancient mask that possesses a Skull Kid and forces him to wreak havoc in Termina. Although it's evil, the mask itself has some rad designs and its really kewl looking. | DefiaNce JoLt | ||
Make Me Alpha | It came to me in a dream & the band names are getting weird these days anyway | DJ James | ||
Make Stuff Up | For a band that is into all orginals, and or can't play to well yet | hippiechic | ||
Make-Believe Rag | When I took a History of Jazz class in college, my teacher accidentally referred to the classic Scott Joplin composition "Maple Leaf Rag" as this. It also sounds like an item from a fantasy game. | Olvan The Terrible | ||
Makeup Remover | It's just when you're an older girl, I'm 18, you see it so much. And trust me, he's my best bud, we see each other so much! | Sam | ||
Malady of Meloncholy | I think it's an awesome name, spawning from Anne Rice's Lestat. There's a lot of power behind the name, at least I think so. Any style would really work with it. | Melady | ||
Malcolm X and the Radicals | In History class, we had a resource book called "Malcolm X and the Radicals". I just thought this would be a great name for a band!! | Joe | ||
Malcom Z | my friend and I were talking about malcom x? | A13 | ||
Maldive Cola | Soda in the Maldive Islands is made with saltwater. I found it rather odd and thought I'd share with everyone here. | GlamRockNinjaLord | ||
Male Box | Instead of Mail Box, I changed it to MALE Box. So when I get famous, I'll get a lot of mail! | Tommo911 | ||
The Male Nymphomaniacs | Nymphomania is usually associated with teenage girls, so teenage boys who have sex with many people would be the direct opposite. | Rocky Rhodes | ||
Malibulimics | For any band making fun of the Hollywood status quo. | RevengeFromMars YouTube | ||
Malice In Wonderland | Something my brother once used as an MSN sign-in name and I loved it. Oviously a corruption of Alice in Wonderland...but WAY cooler | Yorksheer Genius | ||
Malicious Sovereign | i think its cool, because it means to have a king who harms or hurts people so a bad king in other words | miles | ||
Malodorous Miscreants | They're punk. They're stinky. They're literate. | Chuck Fensch | ||
Mama's Home Cooking | Many months of hard thought and I came up with this. Yes I know it's ingenious. The album name would be "Gave Me the S***s" | thesunsetsurfer | ||
Man Ass Candle | It's from Tosh.0, it was Daniel's Yankee Candle scent | JeReMy | ||
Man Down | You hear it all the time on Cop shows and movies. | Tim Morris | ||
Man Incognito | From the simpsons when Homer is banned from Moe's and a guy who looks like homer walks in and says 'Hello my name is man incognito' and he gets kicked out. | frameside | ||
Mancake | I was eating pancakes; and I thought if it was covered in beer, it would be a 'mancake'. | Chazm | ||
Manchowder | Yet another word for sperm, Manchowder would be a great "double meaning" band name. Since I'm a lesbian, it's even more ironic if it were my band's name. | Vicaroo in Seattle | ||
Mand Geval | It means "basket case" Dutch. For you that don't know a basket case is, it's someone that suffers from stress or has all 4 limbs amputated. I say who cares what it means its really cool. | Ryan and yo mama | ||
Mandated Billy Goat | Based on a misheard version of lyrics in "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming" | Richard Wetfuss | ||
Mangled Beyond All Recognition | If you really have to ask, you're just asking to get mangled | Herb Smoka | ||
Mango and Hulk Poop | My sister and her husband and myself were talking after watching Daredevil, and started discussing the new Hulk movie that was going to come out (since it was another of those comic book movies). My sister was slicing mangos, and while we were eating them I started to talk about potential band names. My brother suggested Mango and Hulk Poop, since Mango and Hulk just didn't sound good enough. | Loni | ||
The Mango Jet Tease | I think its cool because of the play of words. I came up with it when I was ordering my all time favorite drink at Sip City the coolest coffee drive through place in Newberg:) | Danielle | ||
The Mango's Revenge | Originated as a joke between me and my friends. The mangoes, I said, were sick of being eaten and wanted revenge. After we lost interest in the Fruit Wars, I thought it might make a cool band name. | Princess Ana | ||
Mangy Angels | Sometimes women don't need to be supermodels to be attractive. | RevengeFromMars YouTube | ||
Manhatten Rythem | Sounds cool, my new friend is from manhatten beach and he is the drummer | Todd | ||
Manhero | Very manly, like superheroes. Or a single lady looking for a MAN to be her HERO. | Sparkina |
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