Whenever I hear a cool phrase somewhere, I like to exclaim "That would make a cool band name". This page is a list of such names.
I can not verify whether these names have been taken yet or not. If your band happens to already use one of these names sorry. If you want to use a name you see here, you'll need to verify it's not already in use.
Entries starting with G are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4
Name | Origin | Submitted by: | ||
G Mop-head | My sister came up with it. She needed to order new mop heads, and it so happens that they are G type that she needed. She wrote "G Mop-head" on her shopping list, then called me immediately and told me. | Cheyne Statezny | ||
The G Point | G point signs the the highest leveled fun and pleasure. I found this while I was looking to my girlfirend.. | Ali Sezgin | ||
G Suspended | its a chord on the guitar and if you shorten it is G sus witch sounds like JESUS our savior neet huh? | krys | ||
G-MONEY$$$ | Some kid came up to me and said, "Yo, what up, G Money?" | GREG | ||
G-String Cowboys | No, it's not a play on words about the G String in music, we came up with the name for our band a little over a year and a half ago, it's pretty catchy...and it paints one awesome mental picture for our fans | Match | ||
G-Zail | Like "Gmail" | Joe S. | ||
G.A.D.I. | It can stand for whatever you want. I have no idea how i came up with it, but it sounds cool. | Narwhal bacon | ||
G.A.M.E.R...... | Was gonna be our band name buty we couldn't agree... Just coz its Give A Man Enough Rope And he'll hang himself... losing that ending for subtlety & coz otherwise it would spell gamer with the little exclaimation you make when the white liquid squirts over your keyboard ;) hahaha | Ian | ||
G.A.Y.P. | Pronounced "Gape" like a huge gaping would in wich all things bloody and gooey pour from. But its an Acrynym for "Green And Yellow Pills" because me and most of my bandmates were on Prozac. | The Badger | ||
G.I.M.N.S. | Get it? "Gee, I Am An Ass". Funny. | Floyd DeBarber | ||
G.L.I.P 69 | just thought of it in class one time. Gay Lesbian Intensive Pornographers 69. thought it was funny. too punk for me though. | Kevin ( www.freewebs.com/sikintro ) | ||
G.O.T.H. (Great Offers To Heaven) | This is a cool name for a goth band. If my band was a full goth band, i would DEFINETLLY make this my band's name. But my band isn't full goth. And it came up to me when i was on this free online game called weeworld, i got it from a goth person there. And yes i am goth xD. It's actually cool. | Andres | ||
G.U.R.N.S. | An opposite of my earlier entry, "Gee, You Are An Ass". For a real butthole band. | Floyd DeBarber | ||
G4C3 | I picked G4C3 because my church program is called G-Force, but I put a "G" and a 4, then a "C" and a 3 so it won't look plain with just letters. | Sarah | ||
Ga-a | Pronounced ga-dasha | Memer | ||
Gacela Vasquez | It's fun because it can mislead people into thinking it's a female singer! | Misha | ||
Gack-A-Moley | A wordplay on "guacamole". Someone who was at a party didn't like guacamole. Maybe had something against avacado, too. | Lance Crackers | ||
The Gad Damsuns | I came up with this name because some friends and I have a tendency to say "G** d***, son" with an American accent. I'm not sure where it came from but it's based on things rappers, people in spike lee movies etc. say. It was going to be the god damsuns but it sounded to much like a worship group. Damsuns, bye the way, are a fruit that grows in england and taste and look like small, slighly flavourless plums. | Adam Rosenberg | ||
The Gaffer T. Gafferman Cryogenically Frozen Band | It's cool because it's so long and hard to say. I based it off of 'Futurama', where people are frozen and brought back to life. | Gaffer T. Gafferman | ||
Gag Reflex | I have one | wonka bar | ||
Gaia Hypothesis | The Gaia Hypothesis is this actual philosophy in environmental science, which in a nutshell states that the earth is, in fact, one giant organism of which we are all a part. Cool, huh? | Johnny | ||
Gain Level Up | I love gaming | undertale | ||
Gaining Loss... | My friends and I came up with this name because we were thinking of random things that didn't make sense. It's cool because it's fun, but it has no purpose. You can't gain loss, so Gaining Loss is cool. | Sarah<3 | ||
Gaitor | When your good enough to make it big, you can sink your teeth into that house in the gaited community. | gumbysue | ||
Galax, Bland | Two towns on I-77 in VA. It sounds like some epensive designer coffee. | G. Piddy 76 | ||
Gall | I was briefly in a Christian goth metal band by that name, which never got off the ground. We came up with the name from the reference in the Bible about Jesus being served wine mixed with gall at His crucifixion, and thought it was a cool name. | Brian | ||
Galleon | its a cool sweet name for a kinda NWOBHM (New wawe of british heave metal) band kinda like Saxon, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden... that sorta band. basicly i was sittin in a vietamese reastaurant with my uncle chattin bout band names & he sae somethin like Frigate & i was like "noooooo, but how bout Galleon". | Zacky Vengence | ||
Galling Chains | Deadly metal chains used to kill slaves. (P.I., but cool.) | -d0py-Do0 | ||
Gamesystim | I think it sounded pretty cool, because games now days are awesome. And really all game systems have always been fun and cool. | Nick | ||
Gaming Nuisance | I love gaming | guy | ||
Gamma Rays | Chemistry class, the most powerful of rays; can go through lead. Cool band name, I suppose. | RunningFromSatan | ||
Gan Amcan | I dunno | ed | ||
Gangbang Style | I heard someone call Gangnam Style that as a joke, impersonating an old man. | JeReMy | ||
Gangnam Park | A name given to series of mashups of Linkin Park songs and "Gangnam Style" | JeReMy | ||
Garage Sale | I don't know how I came up with it, but I was just sitting here one day and thought, 'Hmm, Garage Sale would be a cool name for a band.' | Brooke | ||
Garage, Inc. | It's the name of a Metalica album. You cant go cooler then this name. | Ryan | ||
Garaj Mahal | It's a play on a commonly heard word grouping, with a bandesque twist | Cecil | ||
Garbage Bag Trees | A Tragically Hip lyric good enough to be a punk band. | rayne | ||
Garden of Death | My cousin was over at my house, and she picked up a fake flower from my Halloween costume (it was black). Then out of nowhere she said, " I got this flower from the garden of death." Then about a minute later, I gave her a big hug and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! That would be an awesome name for a band!" So yeah. | Hannah | ||
Gargle with Bong Water | My nod to "Will & Grace". It's from the episode where Grace buys a piano with Will so she has something to keep him with her (she's afraid he'll fall for some guy and dump her). She wigs out and Will says, "Have you been gargling with bong water!?!?" | Pudge | ||
Garlic Memory | If your memory stinks............ | Mandy | ||
Gary Condom | I may get in a little trouble for this, but when I think of how Congressman Gary Condit had relations with that missing intern, I think, "Was he wearing a condom?". | J.C. | ||
Gary Larson's Acid Trip | Gary Larson, as in the guy who created the Far Side comic strip. Would be a good name for a weird band. | GlamRockNinjaLord | ||
Gata Salvaje | Pronounced "GAH-tah sahl-VAH-heh." It's the name of a Spanish soap opera, and it means "wildcat." | Da Phoenix | ||
Gathering At The Trashcan | This is the name of me and my friend's band. We aren't very good...but hey! We thought of it from out French class. One day, there were a bunch of guys standing around the trashcan, and the teacher said "Hey! Gathering at the trashcan! Sit down!" Me and my friend cracked up. Our band used to be "The inflatable crayons', but we changed it to this. | Sary | ||
Gaudy Bauble | A friend and I decided it would be a good name for a (useless) racehorse. It seems to me it would make a good name for a crappy band as well! | FussBudgetVanPelt | ||
Gavrilo Princip | I think this would be really cool because if any one knows their history, they will know that Gavrilo Princip is the guy who assasinated Archduke "Franz Ferdinand", and this implies that the band will crush Franz Ferdinand. (and if anyone doesn't know their music, Franz Ferdinand is already a great band.) | Declan Brown | ||
Gay Barbie Patrol Squad (G.B.P.S.) | Two friends were playing a slightly screwed up game of Barbie and one girl's brother joined in making it more screwed up. He made a police squad with all the guy barbies and put them all in skirts, pink shirts, and bikini's and they called it the Gay Barbie Patrol Squad. | Shiloh | ||
Gay Cantaloupe | Because my Lady Speed Stick antiperspirant is scented like watermelon, so it's named "Fruity Melon"......a near perfect synonym for gay cantaloupe. The name has a bizarre ring to it. | FuNkY mOnKeY | ||
Gay Chinchilla Porn (Clowns Ahoy!) | Me and some guys were wondering what we could call our band and I just came out with this. Made me chuckle then and still does now. | anagram | ||
Gay Eskimo Boyfriend | At the theatre the other day, I was hanging with some of my friends and we were talking about random weird things. One of my guy friends convinced me to listen to this song he'd downloaded from a skit on Mad TV (the Gay Eskimo Song) and I was describing it to my friends. Sitting right next to me was my friend Kelly, talking to our friend Adam about her ex-boyfriend. Amanda, sitting not two seats away and vaguely hearing our conversation, turns to me with a look of confusion and disbelief on her face: "Your boyfriend's a gay eskimo?" | Pikkle | ||
Gay Hippie Gnomes, Flailing | Saw this weird, amateur animation on public access that featured said gnomes with peace sign neckalaces attempting to dance in a badly drawn forest. No, I was sober. Really. | liz | ||
Gay Russian Skinheads | From this web site (http://www.queerty.com/gay-russian-neo-nazis-are-fighting-and-fisting-for-gay-rights-or-something-20130802/), seems that bands of gay Russian skinheads are roving around Russia. Would make a great name for a punk band. | RobinGoodfellow | ||
Gayby | It's taken from the movie Bruno. Bruno (Sacha Baron Cohen) adopted an African kid, which he named O.J. after O.J. Simpson (as he called it "a traditional African name"). O.J.'s shirt read "Gayby" a portmanteau of "baby" and "gay". In addition, there is already a band called "Gay Baby" | JeReMy | ||
The Gays | It connects with our everyday life. The Gays are a simple yet totally bent band in which love can be drawn to. | Cheri-Lee Keens | ||
Gecko | It's the last name of George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino in From Dusk Till Dawn. | Simon | ||
Geiger Counter Productive | A neat before-and-after combination | Richard Wetfuss | ||
Geiger Counterrevolution | Another neat before-and-after combination | Richard Wetfuss | ||
Geisha! | A great name for a Japanese all-girl band. Better with the exclaimation mark. | Teena | ||
Gemini Dies | Being a gemini, I consider my persona to be split into 2 entirely differant ego's. 1) a rocker and 2) a former Marine criminal justice major. If I end up following the path of the rocker in me, my band name will be Gemini Dies, because I'm murdering my other half in cold blood. | DEATHMETAL | ||
Genakken Q | it was a big juicy mistake. Genakken is an ancient Argentine language Q stands for beer someone take this name of my hands coz i hate it | Grahamface | ||
The Gender Blender | If your band was full of tranvestites or bisexuals, this is the name for you. | Nick | ||
Genera | I like this name because it sounds neat-o. I came up with this name while I was looking in the dictionary over spring-break, because i was bored. It is the plural of genus. Whenever I look up a word in the dictionary, I always end up looking up spotting words flipping to the page that has that word, then I read them, and I get all side-tracked. | rilesworth | ||
General Casualty | There is an insurance company in Indianapolis, Indiana called "General Casualty." That is totally ironic and hilarious. [Ed.'s note: It used to be the insurance company of yours truly in the 80s.] | Gina Wertz | ||
Generation Praise | Because we not only have people from the 80's generation, but we have people from this generation. So it's a mixture of adults and teens. | Pamela | ||
Generation Unknown | The group of people born after the "Baby Boomers" and before "Generation X" | Justin Addy | ||
Generic Band Name | This band plays [genre] music with it lead vocalist [lead vocalist]. Their hit single Hit Single, from their album Audio CD is sweeping the nation. | Human Being | ||
Generic Telepathy | A friend of mine thought of this and uses it as his email addy, although it was written as one word--for the longest time I read it as gene rice telepathy. *lol* | Naked Hot Dog | ||
Genetic Baggage | I was talking with my brother about my new born son and was talking about all the unfavorable genes that I have passed on and then it hit me "Genetic Baggage". Everybody has it! I can't get everyone in my band to use it so hopefully someone else will. | Huck L Barry | ||
Genital Hospital | My friend and I used to make fun of my moms favorite soap. Now I think it sounds like a cool name for an underground punk band. | jarod | ||
The Genitowels | Genitals..and towels...wat more do u need? | joe | ||
Genomes for the Masses | (mMjc)Xx | |||
Genuine Fakes | It was my old band's name. Then we were Bran Flakes. Now we've given up on the whole band thing... | Henry Hue | ||
George Washington Peanut | The real name is 'George Washington Peanut and his assistant Sailor Adams'. Old family in-joke from my little brother's third grade days. | Venah Avros | ||
Geriatric Millennial | I read this Facebook post on how many terms there are people born between 1980 and 1985 and that was one of them | Dayna | ||
Gerita | It's a combination of my parents' names (Gerald and Rita). It also sounds like a unique girls' name too. | Daniel | ||
German Ambiguous Melodia | it's just odd... sitting in Maths, and being very bored and having some strange obsession with the German culture can lead to such things. A friend of mine claims that if there was such a band, he would be in it... And 'Ambiguous' is an awesome word... | Cath | ||
German FolK Club | in my high school theres a club that u can join if u take german as a foregin language and they sing and dance germab songs. its c()()l cuz the names so cacthy and it sticks to u.but then again sounds like a hate rock band | Frank Rios | ||
German Helmet Party | Obviously, when you have an all male band, everybody has a "German Helmet" with them...besides, we started out as Buttnugget! So anything was better than that! | Sniper | ||
German Jews | Hey...it's kind of cool... | Matenrou | ||
Germanic Germs | I confused the two words when i was a young kid | Person | ||
Germans are Great, Asians are Assholes | It has a good ring to it and is alliterative, but not to be taken seriously. | Ash | ||
Germans of Imperfection | I saw this in the "New song names" section :) | Cotton Lorraine | ||
The Germs | I think this is an awesome name because its a nickname my friend called her boyfriend Jeremy and i always thought it would capture a lot of peoples attention | VelvetVenus | ||
Get Off The Stage | When someone yells this at their concert, will it be an insult or a compliment? | wikky | ||
Get Out Of Jail Free Card | From Monopoly! I thought it was pretty rad. lol. | iloveapplesauce | ||
Get Outta The Action | It's cool because usually people want get into the action, and I thought I should change it. | Hays | ||
Get The Cool Shoeshine | It's from Gorillaz 10/20. It is an all-business people band. | hamp | ||
Get The Feeling | I was looking at a contact solution box and on the front it said "Get the Feeling." I think it's a cool name for a rock group because it is basically self- explanitory. | Goldfish | ||
Getting Off On Fourth Street | we were on our way to omaha, NE when my mom said "okay we're getting off on fort street" and we all heard "fourth street" and i screamed "omg getting off on fourth street!..good band name" cuz we always are looking for cool band names and stuff like that...and then I thought "hey...they could be called goofs for short!" | justrae | ||
The Gewgaw | It's a strong name, though it means gadget (I think...). I always liked this word. | Fields | ||
The Ghandi Standard | Named after Mohandes K. Ghandi, but it's really a wordplay on "Gandy's Standard " (later Amoco), an old neighborhood Amoco gas and service station that was closed and destroyed after Amoco was bought out by BP (to open a convenience store across the street). I did have a previous entry under Gandy's Standard. Apparently, Mr. Gandy is still bitter about losing the business and had it removed. My apologies if that's true. | Indy | ||
Ghengis Khant | Local band in Maidstone, Kent UK. Great band. Great name. | Matt Lacey | ||
Gheti | like "Ghoti", which is pronounced "fish", but this time pronounced "Gih-Heh-Tee". I thought this would be a cool band name years before I found this website, and would've used it by now if I had musical talent. | JKohn | ||
Ghetto Circular | Wordplay. I think it sounds cool for a ghetto music band. I like that. | Eddy | ||
Ghetto Grits | Black girls raised in the south! It would be a rap trio ( think Bubba Sparxx with the whole southern rap thing) Or it could be southern white girls raised in the ghetto but then it would have to be 2 chicks not three! I dont know why! | Pigertaws | ||
Ghetto Mosey | just sounds good. It came to mind watching a group of guys walk down the street in West Philly. | tulip | ||
Ghetto Saint Drool | A misinterpretation of the line from the computer game "Blood," which some of the zombies say before shooting you. Makes a good name for a gangsta-rap group. You could name their first album "A Good EduKKKation." | The Skuz | ||
Ghetto Sausage | Some guy in my biology class said it. I forgot why. I think it was his twisted way of remembering something. | [email protected] | ||
Ghost Of The Robot | It's cool because...Um...I didn't know robots had ghosts. I wonder how the band came up with the name, because I DIDN'T! But it's really cool. I think it would be scary if you killed an evil terminator guy and he came back to haunt you. Hence, Ghost of The Robot. | Elizabeth The III |
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