I have gone by many names. I called myself SamuraiMaster a while back, like when I started playing battle.net StarCraft, and have stuck with it since then. Though over the years, my friends have given me many wonderful nicknames. Seattle, Toast, U-Haul, SM, Iron Cat, Metallix (self given stage name) and Sensei (given to me here actually). I call myself.....Travis. That's my name. Yeah.....
I drum. I'd love to learn to get good at acoustic or electric guitar, but I also think I'd be decent at grunge vocals, or plain vocals. Depends. I have to be in the zone. But yeah, my primary music talent is drumming, and it always has been since grade 4. Guess, that's cool.
I have many interests that have completely taken over my life, and sometimes that's a good, or a bad thing. Rock music and Metal music are my ways to go. I'll parody all genres, but won't listen to too much outside those two genres (Rap sucks). Another huge interest in me, that I share with a good friends of mine here, is Pok�mon. And yeah, I spoof a lot of pok�mon when I can. I'm a moderate gamer, I love StarCraft, and other sci-fi games. Sci-fi is also my way to go when it comes to movies.
As far as spoofing and parody writing is concerned, I'm actually kinda new at the game. I started here in 2009, and it's been a long hard ride. I've made plenty of good friends here (great friends like Old Man Ribber, DJ Blaze, Christie Marie M, and Andria), and believe I can safely say that this place is a wonderful community. I almost feel safe enough to call it a fourth or fifth home (I have too many homes). I hope to at least write up to one hundred spoofs while I'm here, and I've almost reached that goal! (Long hard ride folks)
But yeah, that's me. Thanks for dropping by, and reading any of my spoofs. Comments and ratings are appreciated.