Aside from backwards messages (which is a seperate page), bands have found other interesting ways to hide things in their music or in their album covers.
Entries Beginning with misc
On the 1,00 hours 7", on the side it says No Way! and Too Cool!
Optimus Lime
On the spine it says James, Put Down That Skinhead! Also on the inlay there are three letters. One to Green Day from a record label asking them to join, One to the record label from John saying no politley and one from Lawrence Livermore to the record label making fun of them.
Optimus Lime
On the spine of 39/Smooth is says, 'James, Put Down That Skinhead!'
Optimus Lime
On the side of the 39/Smooth 7" it says Call Back Tomorrow, It's A School Night, We Heart Jake, and Bill, Mike, John : Loyal Filth Groupies.
Optimus Lime
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