This is the most recent information about Oxo that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Oxo, then
we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
- Yes Oxo, really. :P They were a "one hit wonder" in the early 1980s with a song titled "Whirly Girl", which was just as stupid as the band name. Either somebody was drunk when they came up with that or they let a 5 year old name the band. Submitted by: Edward
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"Land And Son" | "Sea And Son" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Land And Daughter" | "Sea And Son" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Sea And Daughter" | "Sea And Son" | Tiffany Llewellyn-Affit |
"Whirly Hurl" | "Whirly Girl" | D. Melody Dole, MD |
"Whirly Furl" | "Whirly Girl" | D. Melody Dole, MD |
There are additional Oxo new song names available. |
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"Nina, Pretty Ballerina," Abba | "Whirly Girl," Oxo |
"Whirl Girl" originally "Whirly Girl"
Yvette Bristle
"Whirly Gil" originally "Whirly Girl"
Yvette Bristle
"Sea And Song" originally "Sea And Son"
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"My Bride" originally "My Ride"
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Amy Ride" originally "My Ride"
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"My Rider" originally "My Ride"
Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Lea And Son" originally "Sea And Son"
Jessica Childress
"Whirly Gill" originally "Whirly Girl"
Yvette Bristle
Oxo combined with Goo Goo Dolls
Get it, Oxydol?!
Submitted By: Canadian Bacon Fat
"Whirly Girl"
She gets you drunk
She lets you drop
O Ox Submitted by: Lindsay Doyle
An exclamation addressed to an ox
"Dan's A Nose" originally "Sea And Son"
Submitted by: Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Dan's No Sea" originally "Sea And Son"
Submitted by: Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
"Dan's On Sea" originally "Sea And Son"
Submitted by: Washington Irving Berlin Wall Flower Pot Boiler
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