This is the most recent information about Jamiroquai that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Jamiroquai, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Actual Reality" | "Virtual Insanity" | killer_roach |
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"Canned Heat," | Heat cannot be literally canned | Lefty Lucy |
"Black Capicorn Day," | There's no such day | Alice |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"How Does It Feel?," Bob Dylan | "Feels Just Like It Should," Jamiroquai |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"White Knuckle Ride" | "I Juggle High" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Virtual Insanity" | "Virtual Insanity" | Luis Matias |
"Virtual Insanity" | "Surgical Catastrophe" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"White Knuckle Ride" | "White Truffle Buy" | Blaydeman |
"High Times" | "Eye Rhymes" | Rex Ungericht |
"Virtual Insanity" | "Magical Zoology" | Matthias |
"You Give Me Something" | "I'm Sure It's Nothin'" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Cosmic Girl" | "Crazy Girl" | Flash Flood |
"Alright" | "Fixed Right" | Below Average Dave |
"Alright" | "Snow White" | Tokusou Sentai Blessranger |
There are additional Jamiroquai song parodies available. |
Song Name | Product | Submittor |
High Times | High Times magazine | Tarzan |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
Runaway | Prison | Renee |
High Times | Narcotics Anonymous | Marv |
"Virtual Insanity"
Misheard Lyrics: It's a world where a man can eat a toe
Original Lyrics: It's a wonder man can eat at all
| "Virtual Insanity"
Misheard Lyrics: It's a world where a man can eat a toe
Original Lyrics: It's a wonder man can eat at all.
"Cosmic Girl"
Misheard Lyrics: Right across from where I'm spinning
or Right across from where I'm spending (Later) Do I have to go for chicken 'Cause it's you that should be a chicken So she's a lesbian, me with her cosmic eyes She's just a cosmic girl From another galaxy My heart, you see, would rather be Original Lyrics: Right across from where I'm standing
(Later) Do I have to go star-trekking 'Cause it's you I should be checking So she laser beamed me with her cosmic eyes She's just a cosmic girl From another galaxy My heart's at zero gravity | "Planet Home"
Misheard Lyrics: Planet home, yes new and greet
New lava you will see Original Lyrics: Planet home, is blue and green
Beautiful for you to see |
There are additional Jamiroquai misheard lyrics available. |
"Cosmic Girl"
Misheard Lyrics: She's just a Cosby girl
Original Lyrics: She's just a cosmic girl
Story about this misheard lyric by: Cody Finke I heard this in the film Center Stage and I thought he was singing "Cosby girl" - like Rudy from the Cosby Show. |
There are additional Jamiroquai misheard stories available. |
The Repetitive Lyrics: Supersonic, supersonic
Why They're Repetitive: Wha' was the title of tha song again...?
Submitted by: In�s
"Electric Mistress"
The Nonsensical Lyrics: Pretty Pollys my electric mistress
Why They're Nonsensical: In this song, he is obviously singing about a girl that turns him on... or is he singing about his pet parrot?
Submitted by: The Triple F-Rated Coffee Stirrer