This is the most recent information about James & Bobby Purify that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about James & Bobby Purify, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.
James and Bobby PurifySong/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"I'm Your Puppet," | I don't think so. | George Straitjacket |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name | |
"Waitin' For The Bus," ZZ Top | "I Don't Want To Have To Wait," James & Bobby Purify | |
"Let's Fall In Love," Diana Krall | "Let Love Come Between Us," James & Bobby Purify | |
"Baby Let's Wait," The Royal Guardsmen | "I Don't Want To Have To Wait," James & Bobby Purify | |
"Wait," The Beatles | "I Don't Want To Have To Wait," James & Bobby Purify | |
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available. |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "(Geno)cidist’s Puppet" | Rievelation |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "Slime Your Pulpit" | John A. Barry |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "Ivan's Puppet" | Poo-Poo Pravda |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "I'm the Mummy" | Rex Ungericht |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "Romney's a Puppet" | Jeff in Richmond VA |
"I'm Your Puppet" | "Gauntlet" | Arcade Junkie |