This is the most recent information about Ellie Goulding that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Ellie Goulding, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Don't Act So Uncool" | "Love Me Like You Do" | Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Don't Act Like a Tool" | "Love Me Like You Do" | Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
"Love Me Like a Fool" | "Love Me Like You Do" | Robert D. Arndt Jr. |
Song/Performer | Comment | Submitter Name |
"Anything Could Happen," | Anything, huh... I doubt it. | Insertnamehere |
Song & Band Name | Song & Band Name |
"Fire," The Pointer Sisters | "Burn," Ellie Goulding |
"Burn," Ellie Goulding | "Just Like Fire," Pink |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"The Writer" | "The Fighter" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Lights" | "Light Yagami" | Joel Martinez |
"On My Mind" | "Unaligned" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Explosions" | "Erosion" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Midnight Dreams" | "Actors Strike" | Duc4AmIRight |
"Lights" | "Lights (UFO edition)" | GPT-4 |
"Dead in the Water" | "Death of the Author" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Beating Heart" | "Leading Part" | the_conqueror_of_parodies |
"Wine Drunk" | "Ukraine/Russia" | Parody Beast |
"Wine Drunk" | "This Is AHL" | Parody Beast |
There are additional song parodies available. |
Song Name | Product | Submittor |
I Know it's Gonna Be | EE Phone Network | Steve |
Burn | Matches | hi |
First Band/Song Name | Second Band/Song Name | New Song Name | Submittor |
The Way You Love Me Faith Hill | Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding | The Way You Love Me Like You Do | Rachel |
I Can't Make You Love Me Bonnie Raitt | Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding | I Can't Make You Love Me Like You Do | Nancy |
Do Me, Baby Prince | Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding | Do You Love Me Like You Do, Baby? | Gebbie Dibson |
As Long As You Love Me Backstreet Boys | Love Me Like You Do Ellie Goulding | As Long As You Love Me Like You Do | Dongquan |
There are additional duets that haven't been done yet available. |
Misheard Lyrics: Touch my warm skin and hope that I'll still be thin
Original Lyrics: Touch my warm skin and hope that I'm still breathing
| "Burn"
Misheard Lyrics: We gonna let it bun, bun, bun, bun
Original Lyrics: We gonna let it burn, burn, burn, burn
"Anything Could Happen"
Misheard Lyrics: After the walk, we said we'd fight together
Original Lyrics: After the war, we said we'd fight together
| "Love Me Like You Do"
Misheard Lyrics: Let me take it past our satellites
Original Lyrics: Let me take you past our satellites
There are additional misheard lyrics available. |
Misheard Lyrics: Touch my warm skin and hope that I'll still be thin
Original Lyrics: Touch my warm skin and hope that I'm still breathing
Story about this misheard lyric by: Jefrow Not much in the story, just knew I must be mishearing this, unless Miss Goulding was really worried about her weight! |
There are additional misheard stories available. |
"Under Control"
The Repetitive Lyrics: "I got it under control"
Why They're Repetitive: Keep telling yourself that... but the rest of us don't need to hear it over and over.
Submitted by: M. Mayne
| "Anything Could Happen"
The Repetitive Lyrics: "Since we found out"
"Anything could happen" "I know it's gonna be" "But I don't think I need you" Why They're Repetitive: The song is amizingly repetive. The chorus consists of "since we found out" repeated twice followed by "anything could happen" seven times. The third verse is a repeat of the first, and she finishes up with "I know it's gonna be" eight times and "I don't think I need you" four times.
We never even find out what "it's gonna be". Submitted by: M. Mayne