These are lyrics by Nine Inch Nails that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Nine Inch Nails
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Broken album at
I just made you up to hurt myself
How can your imagination hurt you?
Submitted by: Ray
You can never leave me
Will you please complete me?
In the first line he's forcing the person -- 'you can never leave me' and the next line he goes to ask the person nicely, saying please. Have a little consistency, man.
Submitted by: Christine
I gave you my purity
My purity you stole
He says he gave a certain item to the person he's singing to, but then tells the person that they stole it. That seems rather awkward.
Submitted by: Dr. Crazy
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All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.