These are lyrics by New Found Glory that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, New Found Glory
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From the Screen to Your Stereo album at
Then you were gone, you were gone
all this time you just didn't know it yet
you were gone all this time
you just didn't know it yet
you were gone
How is it that one can be 'gone' and not know it?
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2
I'm sorry I heard about the bad news today
A crowd of people around you telling you it's ok
And everything happens for a reason
Every breath that you remember
Pictures fade away, but memory's forever.
Okay, where is this person going? Are they dying? If they are dying, why are people telling them it's okay? And how are memories forever? I thought pictures were forever and memories faded away? This doesn't make sense. And why is the song called 'Sonny'? Is that the real title? It's confusing...and dumb.
Submitted by: Ip Frehley
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