Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Blink 182
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I took my time, I hurried up.
He took his time, but he hurried up?? hmmmm...gotta try that sometime.
Submitted by: Ed
Remember the time
that I spilled the cup of apple juice in the hall
please tell mom
this is not her fault
Now I know this is a very sad song and all, but this line is so incredibly stupid it's hard for me to take it seriously. This is supposed to be a suicide note right? So why is he randomly reminising about some time when he spilled juice? That's not even a good story! I think it's a case of not being able to think of a decent line that fit the rhyme. Lame!
Submitted by: Jessica
Na na na na na na, na na, na, na...
I hate it when lyricists can't think of what else to say so they just have to hum the tune out...
Submitted by: wadded beef
The night will go on, my little windmill.
Why the heck is he calling somebody a windmill? Is that a pet name I've never heard of, or could they just not think of anything else that rhymed?
Submitted by: Mr. Critic
Don't need a Mom Dad slave drive song,
I time bomb....
What?! That's not even a sentence!!! Makes me wonder what they were on when they wrote this...
Submitted by: Goofball
Everytime I look for you the sun goes down
And I stumble when this whole thing runs aground
I left another message, you are never around
But everytime I look for you the sun goes down once more
Will the last one out, please shut the door.
This makes no sense. Even Mark (the bass player/vocalist) admits he has no idea what it's about and he even wrote the thing.
Submitted by: Joe Blow
Let's make this night last forever
forever and ever let's make this last forever
Is that physically possible? I don't think so! Nights are only a certain number of hours long. You can't make them last forever.
Submitted by: Danpj
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
where you can always find me
and we'll have Halloween on Christmas
and in the night
we'll wish this never ends
This may sound nonsensical at first glance, but there is an explanation behind this: Jack and Sally are characters from film 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'; they don't have christmas, they always have halloween. This is their explanation for having 'halloween on christmas'.
Submitted by: Dobbs
Breathing deeply walking backwards
finding strength to call and ask her roller coaster favourite ride
let me kiss you one last time
Walking backwards helps them find strength? Hey, say goodbye to steroids, just walk backwards until you feel buff!
Submitted by: Cohn McJane
And if I ever get another chance
I would still ask her to dance
because she kept me waiting
Why on earth would someone keeping you waiting turn you on?
Submitted by: Camira
And if I ever got another chance
I still would ask her to dance
because she kept me waiting.
Why the heck would you ask someone to dance because they kept you waiting? What where they thinking?
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2
And if I ever got another chance I'd still ask her to dance
Because she kept me waiting
Maybe I'm missing something, but if someone keeps you waiting, isn't that more like a reason to not ask them to dance?
Submitted by: Derrick
I fell in love with the girl at the rock show
She said 'What' and I told her that I didn't know
Is it just me, or is that completely stupid? I mean, I guess it sort of makes sense, but it sounds like the person who wrote the lyrics either was very tired, brain dead, or had the brain of a five year old. I think a lot of people said 'what' when listening to this song.
Submitted by: Mouse
My friends say I should act my age.
What's my age again?
What's my age again?
Well if you don't know how old you are, then I sure ain't gonna tell ya.
Submitted by: Celeste
Then later on, on the drive home
I called her mom from a pay phone
If he was on the drive home, he'd have to get out of the car in order to use a pay phone, since those are situated on land (which might have been done in the context, but this is not specified). He could have used his cell phone in order to make that call, since cell phones were in use in the late 1990s (when this song was written). Still, "on the drive home" seems to imply that he was in the car the whole time.
Submitted by: Mr. Critic
What the hell is Call ID?
He calls her mother from a pay phone, claiming to be "the cops," but even if she has caller ID, are we expected to believe she recognizes the number from a pay phone vs. a police precinct, even at the time this song was made?
Submitted by: Nickster
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