These are lyrics by Cast of "Joseph" that do not rhyme.
Misrhymed Song Lyrics, Cast of "Joseph"
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A crash of drums,
A flash of light.
My golden coat
Flew out of sight.
The colors faded into darkness,
I was left alone.
"Alone" doesn't rhyme with "darkness".
Submitted by: Katy
Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me...
Do what you want with me,
Hate me and laugh at me...
The song rhymes "me" with itself.
Submitted by: Katy
If my life were important, I
Would ask will I live or die.
But I know the answers
Lie far from this world.
Not only does "world" not rhyme with anything else, but it's the only verse in the song that ends with a non-rhyming word.
Submitted by: Katy
Joseph's looks and handsome figure
Had attracted her attention.
Every morning she would beckon,
"Come and lie with me, love."
Joseph wanted to resist her,
Till one day she proved too eager.
Joseph cried in vain,
"Please stop, I don't believe in free love."
Potiphar was counting sheckels
In his den below the bedroom,
When he heard a mighty rumpus
Clattering above him.
Suddenly he knew his riches
Couldn't buy him what he wanted.
Gold would never make him happy
If she didn't love him.
Both paragraphs end with the same word rhyming with itself ["love", "him"] .
Submitted by: Katy
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.