These are lyrics by Gale Garnett that we think are kind of insulting.
Insulting Song Lyrics, Gale Garnett
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We'll Sing in the Sunshine album at
My daddy, he once told me,
'Don't love you any man..
Just take what they may give you,
And give but what you can.'
And we'll sing in the sunshine.
We'll laugh every day.
We'll sing in the sunshine.
Then I'll be on my way.
The insults to the addressee keep coming fast and furious in the second verse.
Submitted by: Regina Haniger
Oh, I will never love you,
The cost of love's too dear.
But though I'll never love you,
I'll stay with you one year.
And we'll sing in the sunshine.
We'll laugh every day.
We'll sing in the sunshine.
Then I'll be on my way.
What chutzpah on the part of this singer to dictate these terms to the addressee in the opening verse, then take him for granted to go along with the chorus of 'We'll sing in the sunshine, We'll laugh every day...' Any truly self-respecting man would surely be tempted at least to tell a singer of such stuff that she could take her thoughts of singing and laughing with him and put them where the Sun DOESN'T shine!
Submitted by: Regina Haniger
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