These are lyrics by The Turtles that we think are kind of inappropriate.
Inappropriate Lyrics, The Turtles
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Happy Together: The Very Best of The Turtles album at
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
So happy together
How is the weather?
Why They're Inappropriate:
What does the weather have anything to do with being happy together? Seems like the songwriter was just looking for a rhyme, not seeming to care whether it was a non-sequitur!
Submitted by: Alicia
The Inappropriate Lyrics:
The only one for me is you
and you for me
Why They're Inappropriate:
These two lines are completely redundant. In both lines, he's saying that the girl is the only one for him. Take another look at the two lines and you'll see, even though the order is changed, it means the exact same thing!
We can only conclude that he was just never really right for the girl... or else he would have said so.
Submitted by: Scott
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