If you have song lyrics that name check celebrities for a song use the below form to send it in.
No sexually explicit entries. They will not be added.
I'm not talking about songs that just name someone (there's more than I could ever list).
I'm referring to songs that name someone famous or well known. For instance the Beastie Boys "name check" Abe Vigoda in "Posse in Effect".
Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities, Randy Newman
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12 Songs album at Amazon.com
Men who need no introduction
King Leopold of Belgium, that's right
Everyone thinks he's so great
Adolf Hitler
Josef Stalin
King Leopold of Belgium
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
As General Motors goes so we all
Johnny Cougar's singing it's their country now
He'll e singing for Toyota by the fall
Bono's off in Africa - he's never around
The country turns it's lonely eyes to whom?
Jackson Browne
John Cougar Mellancamp
Jackson Browne
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
For a while I stood there, on the sidewalk
A Roy Rogers lunch pail in my hand
Then I heard sweet children's voices calling
And I began to understand
Roy Rogers (singing cowboy of TV and Movies fame)
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
President Coolidge came down in a railroad train With a little fat man with a note-pad in his hand The President say, 'Little fat man isn't it a shame what the river has done To this poor crackers land.'
President Calvin Coolidge
Submitted by: Cheeseburger in Parodies
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