If you have song lyrics that name check celebrities for a song use the below form to send it in.
No sexually explicit entries. They will not be added.
I'm not talking about songs that just name someone (there's more than I could ever list).
I'm referring to songs that name someone famous or well known. For instance the Beastie Boys "name check" Abe Vigoda in "Posse in Effect".
Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities, Ani DiFranco
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Ani DiFranco album at Amazon.com
I ran away with the circus
'cuz there's still some honest work left for beaded ladies
But it's not the same going town to town
since they put everyone in jail
Except the Cleavers and the Bradys
The Cleavers (from Leave it to Beaver)
The Bradys (from The Brady Bunch)
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
Standing like John Wayne
She is full frame
She is center stage
My imagination is rattling in its cage
I didn't really notice
When everything else disappeared
Actor John Wayne
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
Pavlov hits me with more bad news every time I answer the phone
so I play and I sing and I just let it ring,
all day when I'm at home
did I mention somewhere in there
that I traded Babe Ruth,
yes I traded the only player
that was bigger than the game
and I can't even tell you why,
cause you'd think I'm insane.
so just give me my Judy Garland drugs and let me get back to work
cause the Empire State Building is the tallest
building in New York
and I have always got the feeling
you just like to hear it fall off your tongue
(Ivan) Pavlov - Russian physiologist/psychologist
Babe Ruth
Judy Garland
Submitted by: Tania WYEP
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