If you have song lyrics that name check celebrities for a song use the below form to send it in.
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I'm not talking about songs that just name someone (there's more than I could ever list).
I'm referring to songs that name someone famous or well known. For instance the Beastie Boys "name check" Abe Vigoda in "Posse in Effect".
Song Lyrics That Name Check Celebrities, Bowling For Soup
Check out the index or search for other performers.
1985 album at Amazon.com
He listens to emo, but Fat Mikes his hero
Fat Mike
Submitted by: mad kent.
Campfire cookies
And John Hughes movies
John Hughes, film producer/director/screenwriter, most famous for Home Alone and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Submitted by: RevengeFromMars YouTube
You�TMll never guess what Jessica did How did Mary Kate lose all that weight And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom�TMs straight Reese Witherspoon, She�TMs the prom queen Bill Gates, Captain of the chess team Jack Black, the clown Brad Pitt, the quarterback I�TMve seen it all before I want my money back
Jessica Simpson, Mary Kate Olsen, Katie Holems, Tom Cruise, Reese Witherspoon, Bill Gates, Jack Black, Brad Pitt
Submitted by: Alexis
You stole my heart when Eddie Vedder was king
Pearl Jam singer/guitarist Eddie Vedder
Submitted by: RevengeFromMars YouTube
Troy Aikmen wants you back
Willie Nelson wants you back
NASA wants you back
And the Bush twins want you back
And Pantera wants you back
And Blue Bell wants you back
Willie Nelson, Pantera, Troy Aikmen (Dallas Cowboys Foot Ball)
Submitted by: Hall0weent0wn
I really like Drew Carey, and I'd love to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Drew Carey
Submitted by: skyshine
Someone she'd take to meet her mom
And take her to see Britney Spears
Singer Britney Spears
Submitted by: RevengeFromMars YouTube
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