Hey, veteran parody/comedy writer Billy Florio here. Ive been a frequent submitter here since November of 2000, with the horrible parody "What becomes of the double punched ballots". Since then I have managed to put many of my parodies on this site, as well as on whatfreaks.com, but by no means is this all of them. The first parody I ever wrote was in 1994 as a joke. It was to the tune of Dionne Warwick and Friends "That's what friends are for" and it was called "That's what Pens are for". After that I wrote on average 10 a year until I discovered AmIRight on Thanksgiving day (and started writing many badly paced and repetitive political parodies). I've also worked on the All star parody artist's version of "What's going on", and a few duets with my friend Keith Kamer, and one with the great STG. You can find other work by me in the pages of "Nonsense Humor Magazine" and some of my random standup bits at places like eatglue.com and a few other places. You can catch my next standup performance on: No dates available (and there might not be for a little while...I need some new material). My website is WWW.geocities.com/Bflorio12/parodmain.html, and soon I'll have all my parodies (including early ones) posted on it. Email me any comments at [email protected] . I will respond!
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