This is the most recent information about Stephen Sondheim that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Stephen Sondheim, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.
SondheimOriginal Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Angrily We Walk Along" | "Merrily We Roll Along" | Francis A. Sissy |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Send In The Clowns" | "Yen For A Couch" | Rievelation |
"Send In The Clowns" | "Stench Of The Clowns" | FTFFFTRRRR |
"Send in the Clowns" | "Senseless This Clown" | Satire Sam |
"Send in the Clowns" | "Send in the Drones" | Richard Murphy |
"The Ballad of Sweeney Todd" | "The Ballad of Sweety Toddler" | Medemia |
"Send In The Clowns" | "Send In The Clones" | Devona Wyant |
"Sweeney Todd (Prologue)" | "Johnny Phraze" | John A. Barry |
"Gee Officer Krupke" | "Gee Callum McCarthy" | MarthaDTox |
"Send in the Clowns"
Misheard Lyrics: Don't you love the forest?
Original Lyrics: Don't you love the farce?
| "The Jet's Song"
Misheard Lyrics: The Jets are all queer
A silly der's a-clicking. Original Lyrics: The jets are in gear
Our cylinder's are clickin'! |
Misheard Lyrics: Today the world was just a mattress
A place for me to live in No better than a light. Original Lyrics: Today the world was just an address
A place for me to live in No better than all right. | "Send in the Clowns"
Misheard Lyrics: Send in the Clouds
Original Lyrics: Send in the clowns
"Send in the Clowns"
Misheard Lyrics: Don't you love the forest?
Original Lyrics: Don't you love the farce?
Story about this misheard lyric by: Chris Mulwee I always thought She was talking about loving a beautiful forest. |