This is the most recent information about Pain Of Salvation that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Pain Of Salvation, then
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- I get it from an official FAQ of the band: Daniel Gildenl������ame up with the name when he was 16. Here's what he had to say about it in an interview at the Perpetual Motion site: "I had been looking for a new band name for quite a while at that time and I didn't want us to have a hollow band name, you know the kind of name that sounds great but doesn't make people think (there are just too many of those in the progressive genre, drowning in symbols and icons). The idea with the name is that everything has two sides, everything is in balance. It is not a religious or anti-religious name, unless Life itself is a religion. I remember that I once explained the band name with a comparison: Imagine yourself exhausted in the middle of a desert... Sitting down will take away your pain, but it will kill you. The walk for water will hurt, but it may save your life. A bit melodramatic, I agree. Nowadays I find it to be a good expression in everyday use, when something goes wrong: 'Well, that's the pain of salvation' to emphasise that it was just a slight setback - you are still heading in the right direction." Submitted by: Fredcod
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Rope Ends | Suicide Prevention Hotline | Fbug |
Pain Of Salvation Army Of Lovers
Pain Of Salvation combined with Army Of Lovers
Submitted By: Donna Gelpigi
Pan Of Salivation Submitted by: Orville Greenenbacher
Simple but remarkable
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