This is the most recent information about Hedgehoppers Anonymous that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Hedgehoppers Anonymous, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"It’s Good News Week" | "It’s Slow News Week" | Merry & Pippin |
"It's Good News Week" | "It's Fake News Week" | Glynn Leaney |
"It's Good News Week" | "It's Fake News Week" | Glynn Leaney |
"It's Good News Week" | "It's Fake News Week" | Glynn Leaney |
"It's Good News Week" | "It's Bad News Week" | Glynn Leaney |
"Good News Week" | "Bad News Week" | Glynn Leaney |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
It's Good News Week | Disaster Hotline | FussBudgetVanPelt |
"It's Good News Week"
Opening Lines: It's good news week. Someone's dropped a bomb somewhere, contaminating atmosphere and blackening the sky.
Comments: Submitted by: Candy Welty