This is the most recent information about Ben Pollack that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Ben Pollack, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).
Known informally as: The Father of Swing. Submitted by: George&GermaineBriantFan
Original Song Name | New Song Name | Submitter Name |
"Nature’s Blend" | "Sleepy Head" | Dr. Marty Goldstein |
"I Wanna Be Gloved" | "I Wanna Be Loved" | A Kansan |
"Not On Twitter" | "Got The Jitters" | A Kansan |
"The Tweet Of My Heart" | "The Beat Of My Heart" | A Kansan |
"The Feet Of My Heart" | "The Beat Of My Heart" | A Kansan |
There are additional new song names available. |
Original Song Name | Parody Song Name | Parody Author |
"Danc¡ng in the Moonlight" | "Naväge" | Martin Hoke |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "The Garfield Movie" | Alois Havrilla |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Small Business Saturday" | Small Business Saturday 2023 |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Lord’s Financial Planning" | A Kansan |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "The Kansas Farm and Ranch Radio Network" | A Kansan |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Red Eye Radio" | Westwood One |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Ben Pollack" | Doris Robbins |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Naväge Nasal Care" | Dr. Martin Hoke |
"Got the Jitters" | "Got the Tickets" | Hilton “Nappy” Lamare |
"Dancing in the Moonlight" | "Celebrity Time with Conrad Nagel" | Porfle Popnecker 2024 |
There are additional song parodies available. |
Song Name | Product | Submittor |
Two Tickets To Georgia | “A League of Their Own“ (Amazon Prime Video) | George&GermaineBriantFan |
Got The Jitters | Tardive dyskinesia (TD) medication | A Kansan |
The Beat Of My Heart | Heart medication | A Kansan |
Song Name | Company/Organization | Submittor |
Goin' To Heaven On A Mule | The new Suicide Hotline | George&GermaineBriantFan |
"Got The Jitters"
The Repetitive Lyrics: Got the jitters, got the jitters, got the jitters, got the jitters, got the jitters.
Why They're Repetitive: This is how Nappy Lamare (Ben Pollack's guitarist) opens the song. The song’s title is sung FOURTEEN times!!
Submitted by: A Kansan
"Got the Jitters"
The Lyrics: Got a penthouse with a view,
Never get a chance to SEE the view! Bought a shiny Cadillac, Always take a taxi there and back... Product Brand Name: Cadillac automobiles
Submitted by: A Kansan